Sunday, February 26, 2012


     I think I've outdone myself with this picture. My boyfriend was happy when the scan got down to the hips and there were no genitals there. I said "Uhhh... I could draw something there." and he replied with a nervous laugh. Today just happened to be one of those days when I drew with a purpose. I laid out this lanky-looking reptilian figure with a very confident pose. I've noticed lately that I have a knack for drawing figures that have attitude and swagger. I made it have sort of an anthro-like body. He seems to be exuding a devil-may-care attitude that is just amazing to witness. The feet were cut out of this picture, and I'm sort of glad, because I didn't really like them anyhow.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


     I honestly have to say that I have been improving a lot on my free-hand sketching. At this time a month ago, I would have sat down with my notebook and drawn something way less than impressive. Now, I can sit down with a loose idea of a drawing, and come up with something beautiful in less than an hour. I am very, very proud of myself. This character is a warrior - reminiscent of a Greek or Roman gladiator. I would have liked to put a canine at his side, but I'm not quite ready to move on to more complicated pictures yet. I decided that I want to put a name to the face, so I am giving him the name Thebias (Thee Bee Us). He's very fierce-looking, and I am very pleased. He has some sort of fancy buckler on one hand because for some reason I don't like to draw both hands. The sword is a short sword - easy for quick striking, but can still keep the enemy at a distance.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mother's Arms

     Well, it's been about a month since I started this blog. I feel that perhaps those that read are starting to get a feel of who I am and what I stand for. I really cannot wait to be a mother in the future. It is just something that I have been looking forward to in my life. I love children. There's just something about the simple joy they find in the smallest of things that warms your heart. This design sort of captures the essence of the warmth and comfort in a mother's arms. It has sort of an Asian feel to it and I feel that it could also make a good tattoo. In case anyone was wondering, the swirls are supposed to suggest that she's wearing a dress.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Warriors of the Sun Tattoo Design

     Yes! I even gave this one a nice, fitting title. I just had this idea when I was cleaning the shower this morning. I just had a little vision of warriors running before a rising sun, and I thought it turned out wonderfully.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tribal Dog Design

     This is my first attempt ever at making a tribal tattoo design. It is quite simple, just so I could get the feel of it. I didn't use any references, and I am surprised. I think it looks really nice. I have one tattoo, myself. It's a panda design that I found somewhere on Google. I want to be able to create my own tattoo designs for the future, when I want to get more. I also want to be able to make designs that other people will appreciate, and will actually want to have put on their body permanently. I know that at one point, my mom said that being a tattoo artist on my spare time would be a good way to earn money. I'm not quite THAT confident in my abilities yet. I can copy other pictures amazingly, but usually when it comes to taking an idea and making my own rendition of it, it doesn't turn out well. This blog has been helping with that amazingly.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Gorilla Mermaid

     My gorilla looks a little strange, but I will assure you now, that is what it is. My boyfriend was scanning the image for me today, and he says "What the hell did you draw?" What can I say? I'm quirky.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sleepy Panther

     First thing is first: I love panthers. I have a friend that is really into them, and that is just sort of rubbing off on me. They're just so cuddly looking, but beyond that, they are fierce and majestic creatures. They are a symbol of the wild, and all of the power that it contains. They rule the jungle and have been worshiped for many many years. <3 my panther.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Velociraptor Doctor

     This is a velociraptor. He also happens to be a doctor. Dangerous? I think not. If he has to perform any on-the-spot surgeries, he has the perfect tools right on the ends of his cute little arms. Sort of reminds me of Dr. McNinja. It was going to be a dentist, but then I put that weird circular thing on top of its head and decided it was going to be a doctor. He also has a stethoscope hanging around his neck. On another note, I love dinosaurs. They are awesome.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Caveman Nurse

     Or should I say cavewoman? In any case, I am not accustomed to sketching primitive beings, but I tried to make her look more ape-like than anything. I am almost halfway through the list of random ideas that I compiled. I guess I'll either make another one after that, or I will have to start taking some suggestions. Today I got the last of my W-2's from this year. I worked in three different places, which makes me a little sad considering that I am now unemployed. I'm sure that something will come my way soon. I just have to stay positive! The good news is that my parents will be sending some money my way once they get their tax returns. I doubt it will be enough to get a new laptop, but I can always get something else that's nice. 
     On the subject of tax time - it has always been a special time for my family. I grew up in a home where my parents did not earn enough to afford a very luxurious life. Tax returns were like a second Christmas for us. We always got to do something nice. Since I moved away, my mom is sending me money that would have been spent on my Christmas and birthday presents. She said to get myself something nice, and dammit, I will.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


     This was a very emotionally touching experience for me to draw these pictures. This is my cat, Alfred. He is almost three years old. I drew these pictures because I miss him very dearly. When I moved out of my parents' house in California, he stayed behind with his two sisters. It was easier, and I knew he would be happier that way. He weighs about 15 pounds, which is very hefty for a cat his size. Alfred has the biggest personality that I have ever seen in a cat. He is very strange though. His favorite things to eat are plastic, cardboard, and treats, of course. Often when he is wandering around the house, we take the treat bag and shake it, and then he comes thundering into the room. He loves to sleep inside of drawers, boxes, and cabinets. Every year he likes to sleep under the Christmas tree and eat the tinsel. Alfred sleeps almost all day, and is the most nonchalant cat in the world. He's so lazy, you can pick him up and carry him anywhere, and he doesn't mind. The sketch on the top is him spying on the snake that I used to have before it escaped. The bottom is him doing his favorite thing in the world.