Thursday, February 23, 2012


     I honestly have to say that I have been improving a lot on my free-hand sketching. At this time a month ago, I would have sat down with my notebook and drawn something way less than impressive. Now, I can sit down with a loose idea of a drawing, and come up with something beautiful in less than an hour. I am very, very proud of myself. This character is a warrior - reminiscent of a Greek or Roman gladiator. I would have liked to put a canine at his side, but I'm not quite ready to move on to more complicated pictures yet. I decided that I want to put a name to the face, so I am giving him the name Thebias (Thee Bee Us). He's very fierce-looking, and I am very pleased. He has some sort of fancy buckler on one hand because for some reason I don't like to draw both hands. The sword is a short sword - easy for quick striking, but can still keep the enemy at a distance.

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